Real life PUBG match on the private island and make £45,000

pubg island

As we all know the title is quite interesting. Now, I will talk about a man who is a millionaire and want the real-life pubg match. There is an article on the supposed Amazon for the wealthy – stated that an unknown millionaire was looking out for aid in organizing a real-world Battle Royale game on a private island. 

So, I will give you a quick description of Pubg :
PUBG Mobile is the most trending game in India on android and ios devices. A battle Royale game which has been only available for PC has come to mobile and also had its 1st year anniversary on 8th March 2019 and subscribe to our newsletter for new updates and pro tips in PUBG mobile,

So, he hires a pubg expert and when the purchasing of an island is over then he organizes this event with the help of him and it is converted into a battle royale stage, 100 Applicants will be invited to compete.

The competition will take place 12 hrs a day. the battle royale arena will last for three days. All contestants will be provided with Airsoft guns, ammunition and touch-sensitive body armor for a three-day event. When they camp they will be provided with the food and drinks
So, This is news is on pubg freaks and for latest pubg news visit our blog.

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